Jobs and Internships


Your guide to finding a student internship and what to watch out for
The Best Student Internship Platforms

How to find an internship you’ll value
BigFuture / The College Board

Employment search engine with access to over 38 million jobs

Look for entry level positions, explore different careers, and find tips for resumes and interviews

Graduate to a great career!

Find a seasonal job or career in some of the greatest places on Earth

Find entry-level jobs near you

Cool jobs and careers you probably haven’t considered
Get That Gig

A free career resource with access to salaries, company reviews, and interview questions so that you can find a job and company that you’ll love

For teenagers looking ror a part-time job

Volunteer, job and internship opportunities at over 57,000 non-profit organizations in the U.S. and around the world

What kind of internship do you want?

Internship opportunities around the globe
Go Abroad

Intern Opportunities

Find job applications for every major U.S. company
Job Application Center

Download free printable job applications for parttime and fulltime jobs
Job Applications

Cool jobs and internships
Job Monkey

Job search guide from your local public library
JobStar Central

Connecting employers with American educated students

Career and recruitment website for teens

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